
Tom North, Head of Client Relationship at Aviva, discusses the importance of events, like Airmic, and themes & trends for this year.

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2023 - 00:07

Recorded Date

Thursday, July 6, 2023


<p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>so it's absolutely fantastic to be from their 60th birthday. And for us. One of the things that came up early on in one of the kind of opening keynote addresses was around. How successfully we really sell the importance of insurance to the next generation of talent coming into the industry.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>Um, but actually, my reflections over the years, it's a really quite in the insurance calendar. It's something we can be really, really proud of. The concentration of clients all in one place is absolutely fundamental to value proposition for insurance and the opportunity</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>it gives us to have all the conversations with all of our clients, our prospects, but also our broken partners around. What is really going on for our customers and how we need to respond is totally, totally key to the kind of business as usual kind of trading, but also as we kind of take away that feedback loop, thinking about the challenges that are ahead. Some of these conversations all of these conversations are interesting.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>A lot of those conversations are challenging. Do we need to do more? But the other really successful thing about Eric is there's a real warmth and collaboration in those discussions. Everyone that's here in the tent is wanting this industry to succeed, become more relevant and stay ahead. And I think I could pull off another great show.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>So cost of living is coming up again and again in many of our client discussions. I think we have to. We have to listen as the first thing. As an industry, we're in difficult economic times in this country and around the globe.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>That is manifesting in lots of different ways for our clients, how they serve their customers, those models sometimes having to pivot a bit. But there's also this other recurring theme. It's kind of coming up in the space of all these interconnected risks around the kind of battle for talent and where skilled workforce gaps are emerging</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>and what customers and clients are needing to do in their businesses to remain resilient to these challenges. And it's it's a complicated recipe. We don't have all the answers. There's lots of things going on. At the same time there's from Brexit. There's post pandemic people eval evaluating their careers. There's industrial action going on in some sectors of the economy. There is working from home</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>and these kind of ingredients are causing some real challenges out there and ones that we don't have all the answers for in the industry. But if we listen to our clients, we can make sure we're giving insurance buyers the best possible platform to add value to their own businesses.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>So for us at Aviva, there's, um,</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>there's kind of two sides to our commercial business for large clients. There are global corporate clients, many of whom are members and are largely market clients. One or two are also in the air tent today. The strength of our proposition is we enjoy a very, very broad appetite across a broad range of different products, and</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>that enables us to support our clients in lots of different ways. Our most successful relationships are where we might start with one line of business but build it over time across different requirements. And that enables us to kind of leverage the strength of the one of kind of proposition, but also lean on</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>other parts of the empire from our health care business for our group protection business. Viva Investors business. These give us kind of tools on the shelf to add value to our clients in a really differentiated way.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>So looking at clients and what they're expecting from the industry, I don't want to walk past the kind of key fundamentals of the value proposition. So the promise that we make to be there for our clients when it all goes wrong offering balance sheet protection so that they can invest and grow and support the economy, is something this industry can already be really proud of and and has done for many years very successfully.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>In addition to that on the fundamentals, how we all come together from client to broker, to ensure, to co create the service proposition, to make sure we're helping our clients successfully manage their risk and manage down the claims indemnity spend is is kind of kind of</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>the foundations of what we're about, if you like. I think there is a further challenge in terms of what clients expect from us. They want to hear from us how</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>we can support their businesses in the future. So I think critical to that and critical to the success of A is the opportunity to be curious both for our existing clients and with prospects about how they're seeing the landscape over the next 2 to 5 years. We know that there are a lot of complicated, interconnected risk issues coming down the line. I think we can expect to hear about climate transition</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>every year. The drumbeat on that will get slightly louder and how the ways in which we can support our business, our clients, support their businesses as they adapt is going to be a totally key focus area for our industry and a real opportunity as well for us as long term partner partners to make a difference to their businesses but also society more generally.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>The other thing that's worth highlighting is the innovation space. So our clients, I think, do expect their insurers and the industry to be on the cutting edge of innovation. And I think this has sometimes been hard for our industry to get credit for. But I think there are big causes for optimism. Looking around the</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>the crowd, the clients that are here, the ideas that are discussed, and also some of the really tangible and exciting new technologies, new ways of looking at data which are really going to help our clients in lots of different ways. That perhaps isn't always we don't always shout out about, So Emic is also doing a really good job in helping us on that agenda.</span></p>



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