
Environmental Masterclass | December 2019

<p>In this environmental Masterclass, our panelists explain why environmental risk is such an important issue in the insurance sector, how proactive the legislation in the industry is and whether we're likely to see an increase in funding anytime soon. Joining us on this panel, we have:</p> <ul><li>Jessie Francois, Senior Underwriter, Environmental UK, AIG</li> <li>Toby Arnold. Senior Underwriter, Environmental, Aspen Insurance</li> <li>Simon White, Director and Senior Consultant, Street Farm Consultancy</li> </ul>

Risk hunger games

As rates begin to harden in 2019, how does this alter the conversation between broker, client and insurer and what does it mean for product innovation? AIG’s head of client engagement Charlie Kitson gives his views.
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