
How can insurers help businesses better understand motor risk?

<p>Gill Milner, Technical Practice Leader, Casualty at Aviva speaks on: </p> <ul><li>How road use has shifted in the past two years</li> <li>Changes to The Highway Code that impact brokers and businesses </li> <li>What businesses can do to reduce motor risk </li></ul> <p><strong><a href=""target="_blank">Highway Code update: some key changes</a></strong></p> <p><strong>&

Sam White: The importance of psychology in Insurance

<p>In January 2022, Sam White fired herself as CEO of Freedom Services Group to replace herself with an organisational psychologist. Six months on, she speaks to Insure TV about the impact of that decision as well as the importance of psychology in insurance.

MGAA Conference 2021 - Freedom Services Group

Insure TV speaks to Sam White, CEO at Freedom Services Group, about the MGA market.
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