
Insure TV News | Cyber

In this bulletin, a bleak forecast for the US cyber insurance market, Allstate expands motor offerings and Allianz make some personnel changes.

Insure TV News | Mega-Deals

In this bulletin: the FCA steps in to protect loyal policy makers, changes at the top at Allianz, another megadeal for Ardonagh and new competition in the D&O market.

Insure TV News | Expansions

On today’s bulletin: Ardonagh Advisory picks up leading loss adjuster, Aston Lark continues Irish expansion, people moves at Thomas Sagar and the ABI, and bad news for barbecue lovers.

Insure TV News | Consumer Protection

In this update: Gallagher snaps up Willis Re, the FCA moves to enhance consumer protection, people change at Aston Lark and Zurich, and Lloyd’s of London’s re-opening is disrupted by protestors.

Insure TV News | Pricing

The lockdown has placed a heavy burden on brokers and has meant increased pricing for customers.

Insure TV News | BIBA 2021

Insure TV News | Business Cover

In this bulletin we take a look at interruptions due to the recent lockdowns and the continued impact on business cover.

Insure TV News | Fraud on the rise

As Fraud and M&A are on the rise, why is the 25th of May important?

Insure TV News | Record pay-outs for pet insurers

<p>As Lloyds announces its new insurtech start-ups, pet insurers make record pay-outs.</p> <a href="" title=" Lloyd’s" alt=" Lloyd’s" target="_blank" style="padding-top: 5px;">Lloyd’s Lab announces its sixth cohort with a focus on product simplification and climate </a><br />

Insure TV News | The acquisition trail

<p>As markets receive a Brexit warning from the personal finance society, Insurer losses mount and one in four companies consider cybersecurity to be the biggest risk they face.</p> <a href="" title=" Aviva" alt=" Aviva" target="_blank" style="padding-top: 5px;"> Aviva Risk Insights Report</a><br /> <a href="" title=" Munich Re&q


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