
Dive In Festival 2021: Key takeaways

<p>Celebrating the 7th annual Dive In festival and discussing their highlights are a panel of experts. Taking part are:</p> <ul><li>Monica Stancu, 2021 Dive In Festival Lead and Diversity and Inclusion Manager at Lloyd's of London</li> <li>Jason Groves, Chair of Dive In Festival Steering Committee and Global Director of Media Relations at Marsh</li> <li>Jenifer Denby, Dive In Festival Steering Committee and Global Head of Inclusion & Diversity at Willis Towers Watson</li></ul>

BIBA Manifesto Launch

We caught up with some of the key speakers at the BIBA Manifesto Launch at the Houses of Parliament as they outlined some of the key themes looking ahead to the new year.

Diversity & Inclusion

Jason Groves & Tali Shlomo join Mark Colegate to discuss what makes the upcoming Dive In festival so important, their expectations for this year's festival & how you can get involved.
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