
Aviva Half Year Claims Update

In this recent video, Kelly Whittington, Director of Property and Specialty Claims gave an update on Aviva's strategy, performance and key initiatives in claims for the first half of this year.

Electric Vehicle Market

How rapidly is the electric vehicle market evolving? Marc Wanless, Head of Motor, Commercial Lines, Aviva, discusses this and what the impact is on insurers.

How can insurers help businesses better understand motor risk?

<p>Gill Milner, Technical Practice Leader, Casualty at Aviva speaks on: </p> <ul><li>How road use has shifted in the past two years</li> <li>Changes to The Highway Code that impact brokers and businesses </li> <li>What businesses can do to reduce motor risk </li></ul> <p><strong><a href=""target="_blank">Highway Code update: some key changes</a></strong></p> <p><strong>&

Risk Management | Masterclass

<p>There's a lot changing on the roads right now with change in regulation, a shift in the economic landscape and the rise of the electric vehicle. What does it all mean for motor risk?

Claims market

Malcolm Harvey, Founder and Executive Director, Qlaims Limited, discusses current issues within the claims market including motor vehicles and property, worries around loss adjusting and increses in fraud when using video technology.
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