
1969 – 2069: From Apollo to AI

It’s been 50 years since the moon landing and a lot has happened, so what’s in store for the next 50 years? Experts from the industry discuss the development of the economy since 1969 both worldwide and closer to home, how the moon landing led to an expansion of new technologies and speculate on what the next 50 years could bring.

Jim Cullen: 50+ Years on Wall Street

As the U.S. got ready to send man to the moon, there was another kind of excitement in the air: euphoria on Wall Street. We hear what it was like to be an investor at the time from someone who lived it.

Craig Lazzara, S&P DJI, the Growth of Markets Since Apollo 11

If you put $1,000 in stocks when Apollo launched, what's it worth today? We find out that, as well as the shift from undiversified amateurs to professional investors.

50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

50 years ago, NASA’s Apollo 11 mission changed our world and ideas of what is possible by successfully landing humans on the surface of the moon⁠—and bringing them home safely⁠—for the first time in history. Today’s video Doodle celebrates this moment of human achievement by taking us through the journey to the moon and back, narrated by someone with firsthand knowledge of the epic event: former astronaut and Apollo 11 command module pilot Michael Collins.

Richard Buxton, Merian Global Investors | Moon Landing marked the beginning of bear market

<p>The 1960s had been kind to equity investors with a basket of growth stocks, the so-called Nifty-Fifty, seemingly unstoppable. But then inflation kicked in over the following decade and market leadership changed. Richard Buxton looks at the lessons to be learned half a century on, when a small number of growth stocks are in favour, and no one appears to be worried about inflation.</p>

Paul Mumford, Cavendish AM | Small step for man, giant leap for stock markets

Man landing on the moon rocket launched communication and technology in the stock market, but how did investing change and was it for the better? Paul Mumford, Cavendish Asset Management, discusses the roll of market makers before and after 1969 as well as how the two main booms at the time reacted.

Shooting for the Moon

Neil Armstrong interview, BBC 1970

Neil Armstrong talks to Patrick Moore on The Sky At Night, BBC 1970. *Source: Weverton Turco YouTube

JFK Moon Speech

JFK's Moon Speech, as presented by the Festival of Curiosity ( during Rick O'Shea's panel on JFK's space legacy on 17 July. *Source: JFKHomecoming YouTube

Restored Apollo 11 Moonwalk - Original NASA EVA Mission Video - Walking on the Moon

Original Mission Video as aired in July 1969 depicting the Apollo 11 astronauts conducting several tasks during extravehicular activity (EVA) operations on the surface of the moon. The EVA lasted approximately 2.5 hours with all scientific activities being completed satisfactorily. The Apollo 11 (EVA) began at 10:39:33 p.m. EDT on July 20, 1969 when Astronaut Neil Armstrong emerged from the spacecraft first. While descending, he released the Modularized Equipment Stowage Assembly on the Lunar Module's descent stage.
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