
Louise Marling, Chief Operating Officer of Hiscox UK, discusses tech & operational trends that could impact brokers in the future and where tech as a solution could actually end up causing problems.

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2023 - 00:04

Recorded Date

Monday, June 12, 2023


<p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>so the main task I set myself as CO. Was first and foremost to improve the level of service we give to our broker partners. We're not where we want to be. We haven't been for some time, so it's been about improving their experience in terms of day to day transactions. So making sure we're turning around our tasks more quickly, making sure the quality is right, making sure they can get a hold of decision makers quickly.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>And then alongside that, it's been about building our E trade capabilities. So we were behind the market. We're playing catch up. We're doing quite well on that. We launched our brand new full cycle extra office and P I platform in January, and we have a road map of activity that's laid out through the rest of this year and into the next two or three years. And in terms of the service improvement again, we're well on track with that, we're behind where we would have liked to have been.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>We had some underwriter attrition last year, but we're playing catch up and I'm confident we're going to get where we need to be this year</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>in terms of the big trends impacting our brokers over the coming planning horizon, a really key one is going to be about better use of data and analytics. We've always had a lot of data, and I think what's happened now with tools like a I and machine Learning is we're getting much better at figuring out how to</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>to really leverage that data and give us better insight. So from everything through really understanding more about our customers wants and needs to enable us to make better products through to helping us make better underwriting decisions, pricing claims, decisions. That Data and Analytics piece is a really big and important trend for the industry.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>I think the whole technology and people marriage is actually a good one. So for me, the best use of technologies within a strategic framework so being really clear on what your technology strategy is and how it supports your business strategy and then beyond that thinking about OK, it's about how can we automate</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>test the mundane, the repetitive, the routine tasks that our people don't actually enjoy doing and where humans don't add much value to free up our humans? So particularly our underwriters, our claims people and our customer service people so that they can spend much more time focusing on our brokers and our customers to give them the right experience.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>So there are several places where tech can be seen as a silver bullet and where it can go horribly wrong. I think a favourite one is often C R M. So customer relationship management systems people can spend a lot of money in that, in a view to giving customers better service. If you haven't got your data structure right beforehand, it can. It can create a lot of waste,</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>and you don't necessarily get the outcomes that you wanted. I think the other issue in terms of technology is if you force customers down a certain channel. So if you insist, they have to self serve when they don't want to, and you give them no ability to contact a human when they have something that's out of the ordinary difficult or they have some sort of vulnerability that can result in poor customer outcomes, which isn't good for anybody.</span></p> <p><strong>Speaker 0</strong>: <span>So in terms of the conversation I've had that's given me most to think about this year, it was with the broker. Earlier today, he was asking about the possibility to hook up his back office with our back office primarily around the claims journey. How can we get better at exchanging information about claims? How can we make the claims journey better for our mutual customer? It's not on our road map right now, but it was a really interesting conversation and it's made me think more about the best ways we can work with our brokers in the claims.</span></p>



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