
Why employee wellness makes business sense

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Karl Hewstone, Head of IFA Health Sales, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Ari Zadikov, Head of Technical Marketing, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Sally Burrowes, Director of Legal and Business Support, VitalityHealth</li><ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The importance of employee wellness for a business</li> <li>The business protection needs of SMEs</li> <li>The benefits of a group healthcare plan</li>

087 | Advising on Health Insurance

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Dr. Keith Klintworth, Deputy CEO, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Karl Hewstone, Head of IFA Health Sales, VitalityHealth</li></ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The rationale behind PMI and how it can benefit your clients</li> <li>The important medical conditions where insurance is concerned</li> <li>How to build a PMI plan for clients</li></ol>

Key Person

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Robert Betts, Market Development Manager, Legal & General</li> <li>Stuart Halliwell, Market Development Manager, Legal & General</li></ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The need for key person cover</li> <li>How to set up key person cover for different types of business</li> <li>The treatment of premiums and policy proceeds for taxation purposes</li> <li>How to ident

SME Business Protection Market Update

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Richard Kateley, Head of Specialist Protection, Legal & General</li> <li>Martyn Pask, Industry Consultant</li></ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The current awareness and take up of business protection products in SMEs</li> <li>The opportunity that exists for advisers to develop in the business protection market</li> <li>How to develop SME client opportunities</li> <li>How adviser businesse
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