
Environmental Masterclass | December 2019

<p>In this environmental Masterclass, our panelists explain why environmental risk is such an important issue in the insurance sector, how proactive the legislation in the industry is and whether we're likely to see an increase in funding anytime soon. Joining us on this panel, we have:</p> <ul><li>Jessie Francois, Senior Underwriter, Environmental UK, AIG</li> <li>Toby Arnold. Senior Underwriter, Environmental, Aspen Insurance</li> <li>Simon White, Director and Senior Consultant, Street Farm Consultancy</li> </ul>

Cyber Risk Masterclass | November 2019

<p>Cybercrime is on the rise globally but, how pressing of an issue is it for your organisation, and how can you best mitigate the threat of an attack? Join experts from Accenture, Arch Insurance and AXA XL for insight into the risk management industry and an explanation on how important culture is for the insurance industry.

Why employee wellness makes business sense

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Karl Hewstone, Head of IFA Health Sales, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Ari Zadikov, Head of Technical Marketing, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Sally Burrowes, Director of Legal and Business Support, VitalityHealth</li><ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The importance of employee wellness for a business</li> <li>The business protection needs of SMEs</li> <li>The benefits of a group healthcare plan</li>

087 | Advising on Health Insurance

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Dr. Keith Klintworth, Deputy CEO, VitalityHealth</li> <li>Karl Hewstone, Head of IFA Health Sales, VitalityHealth</li></ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The rationale behind PMI and how it can benefit your clients</li> <li>The important medical conditions where insurance is concerned</li> <li>How to build a PMI plan for clients</li></ol>

Key Person

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Robert Betts, Market Development Manager, Legal & General</li> <li>Stuart Halliwell, Market Development Manager, Legal & General</li></ul> <p> </p> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The need for key person cover</li> <li>How to set up key person cover for different types of business</li> <li>The treatment of premiums and policy proceeds for taxation purposes</li> <li>How to ident

SME Business Protection Market Update

<p><strong>Tutors:</strong></p> <ul><li>Richard Kateley, Head of Specialist Protection, Legal & General</li> <li>Martyn Pask, Industry Consultant</li></ul> <p><strong>Learning outcomes:</strong></p> <ol><li>The current awareness and take up of business protection products in SMEs</li> <li>The opportunity that exists for advisers to develop in the business protection market</li> <li>How to develop SME client opportunities</li> <li>How adviser businesse

Structured CPD

All CII-qualified members need to complete a minimum of 35 hours of CPD each year - 21 of which needs to be structured. Build towards that goal by watching content featured in this channel.

Cyber Risk Masterclass | September 2019

<p>An expert panel joins us to discuss what sort of services a policy should provide in aftermath of a cyber breach, how brokers can find out more about what providers offer and how corporate clients, from large multi-nationals down to SMEs in the UK, should think about cyber as a business risk.

Cyber Risk Masterclass | April 2019

The world of online is bringing companies ever closer to their customers but it's also bringing them ever closer to cyber risk. So what are some of the big risks that are out there and how can the insurance industry help to mitigate them?
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